Sunday, March 15, 2009


In olden days, there lived in Ligas Batangas, a poor farmer and his wife. The couple were so poor that they prayed to Bathala to help them make both ends meet. They offered sacrifices and performed the necessary ceremonies.
From the sky, Bathala heard the couple's prayers. He took pity on them. So he sent for Kayamanan, the goddess of wealth. Bathala instructed Kayamanan to grace the prayerful couple.
The goddess gently bowed before Bathala and left. She went down to earth, and appeared to the couple in a dream. She instructed the two to build a bigger house and a bigger rice granary. The couple followed the instructions faithfully.
Harvest came. The yield of their farm was plentiful. Both the house and the granary were filled with rice. The good harvest was followed by another. Soon the couple became the wealthiest family in the entire village.
The power and influence of their wealth, however, made the couple vain and irreligious. They stopped praying. They forgot to offer sacrifices and to perform the yearly ceremonies to the gods. This angered Kayamanan.
The goddess disguised herself as an old beggar. She went to the house of the couple. Upon seeing her the woman of the house was mad. She told her husband to drive the beggar away. When the old beggar asked for food, the man threatened to let loose their dogs on her. He told her depart.
Kayamanan was hurt. She became very angry. So she took off her disguise and spoke to the man.
"Because of your ingratitude, every grain of rice in your granary will be turned to an insect that shall hence forth be a menace to your crops."
And after saying this, Kayamanan disappeared. The man ran to their granary. He saw thousands of little, winged creatures fling about.
Since then the people called these tiny creatures locusts-meaning "creatures of greed."

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